Talking once again about the physical attraction thing…

You know, I was thinking recently about how I used to be physically attracted to a certain guy. I went on and on about it, right here on this blog, but then the following occurred to me:
I used to greatly emphasise the fact that I needed to be attracted to my husband, and I was very excited about this guy because I was undoubtedly attracted to him. I think my words at the time were that he “exuded masculinity”.

But then you know what I realised?  With those guys who do not so visibly exude masculinity, that does not necessarily mean that the masculinity is not there!

This is like when women go about wearing revealing clothes and thereby exposing their sexual allure; when other women are covered up, that does not mean that their sexual allure is not there, it just often means that it is covered up for the benefit of their husband, and thereby more exclusive. As a woman I would expect a man to implicitly understand this regarding women, so I guess that men are also entitled to be a little surprised that I too have failed to understand it when it is the other way around!
So it is actually a good thing when a man does not visibly exude anything, just like it is accepted as a good thing when a woman is all covered up, because it hints at the eventual exclusivity to be enjoyed with their spouse.

OR maybe men who exude masculinity would naturally pair well with women who happily flaunt what they’ve got…

You know what?  This is not just about sexuality, it can also be about other things where people can choose to flaunt, or they can choose to be discreet, like for instance money and material possessions, social standing etc – people who generally “flaunt” are probably best paired together, people who prefer to be quiet and enjoy their blessings in secret probably work best together too.

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