Talking about social media…

You know how people say that social media heightens people feeling of depression?  Well ironically, I am extremely active on Facebook, but I find Facebook extremely nurturing – yes, really! My secret is that I have unfollowed most people, so I miss out on most of that bragging that people say Facebook is full of, which honestly I never really noticed anyway. So my feed is full of lots of funny and cute videos about animals and children and at the moment, at least 10 posts about Bridgerton’s “Queen Charlotte” spin off daily!  I suspect that I am their target audience, and they honestly could not be more correct as I love Jane Austen and big flamboyant costume dramas, especially starring people, especially women, of African descent!  So for me Facebook is genuinely a happy place. And yet, I’ve realised that my other social network, that is Reddit, makes me feel down. Actually I’ve known that for a while. But I think I have worked out why that is the case – I unconsciously reach out for connection on Reddit, but because many people are depressed, or sad, or confused, it is like trying to build connection with depressed people, which is in itself depressing. Reddit is quite an emotional place, because many people talk about their feelings, but these feelings can be quite negative. Or sometimes there is unexpressed sadness lying within people’s words, like people’s candour can be a little raw.

And something else is that for years I have happily used this very blog to just pour out my own feelings. It might not be the most prudent thing to do but I have found it helpful. And yet, over the last few weeks and months, I don’t really feel as if I have been able to do that, even though I have arguably needed it more than ever…☹️

Anyway, this is an example of being aware of my own emotional and mental health needs, and what I need to do to keep myself mentally healthy and resilient…

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