New humility mantra

Beautiful Landscape

I know that the word “mantra” has connotations specifically from another faith.  This can also be called an “affirmation” or a “declaration”. Christians can sometimes be a bit iffy about those, as in, as Christians are we really supposed to make affirmations that are separate from Bible verses? However I personally believe that they can be completely valid, as long as we remember that this is not the actual Bible that we are affirming, so it does not have the creative power of God embedded in it, like Bible verses do. I particularly like affirmations as they are a way of specifically tailoring Biblical truths to our particular situations.

So here is the new affirmation/mantra/declaration: I love this because it gives me a new powerful perspective on something that I have struggled with for years:

Humility is my heritage as a daughter of the Most High God.
I owe it to myself and my future to be stupendously humble!

“Humility” can also be swapped with “obedience” and “sexual purity” (necessary due to my previous all-too-recent illicit reading habits). This is something I aspire to declare into my own life for eg say a few minutes a day, every day, until it captures my thinking.  This is in tandem with Bible verses which actually do have the power of God embedded in them.

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